A New Take on

Digital Markting

Our online ads team are experts in making your

budget work smarter, not harder. See results NOW!


Our digital campaigns work on two central operating principles: the 1% Lead and the 1-1 Ad. First, we analyze our clients products and services - from the customers perspective, in order to best understand how to market your business. - to build out efficient, data-driven, and cost-effective client acquisition systems designed to generate ready to buy prospects interested in their top 1% products and services. We run ROI based campaigns, unlike typical SEO, or traffic based campaigns.

Take this local dentistry practice, for example. Using our 1% lead strategy, we would build this business a data-driven client acquisition system that specifically targeted the practices' top 1% service, in this case a dental implant surgery. If this campaign generated the practice even one more dental implant surgery client per month, it would be worth more than a campaign that generated x more dental cleanings, dental crowns, and cavity fillings, which are the low ticket, high volume clients that are typically generated from industry-standard traffic based digital ad campaigns. That's the essence of our 1% lead strategy. Developing ad campaigns that go "all in" on our clients 1% products and services is how we've been so successful in helping our clients achieve exponential growth for their businesses, and it's how our campaigns can have unheard of ROIs as we dial in your adsets over time. 1PDM can help you make your marketing budget truly work smarter, not harder.

We Lead from the Front

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Pellentesque sed pellentesque felis. Nam tristique ipsum eget magna scelerisque interdum. Fusce at lorem eget lacus congue tristique.

Make Your Business Go Online Today

This is where we'll convince clients that are currently not doing any online marketing that online marketing is the way to go. "Freeway billboards analogy" etc.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit a met, consectetuer adipiscing elit nonummy nibh.



10 Pages Responsive Website

5 PPC Campaigns

10 SEO Keywords

5 Facebook Camplaigns

2 Video Camplaigns



20 Pages Responsive Website

10 PPC Campaigns

25 SEO Keywords

10 Facebook Camplaigns

5 Video Camplaigns


let's Talk

Unlimited Pages Responsive Website

Unlimited PPC Campaigns

Unlimited SEO Keywords

Unlimited Facebook Camplaigns

Unlimited Video Camplaigns

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(818) 914 8263


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